Overview of my research for non-specialistsWe are at an inflection point of the energy transition to electrification and 100% renewable energy sources. This transition will place a significant burden on electric grids as we connect solar and wind power, which behave differently than traditional power plants, and as we increase the amount of electricity we use by transitioning to electric transportation and heating. The energy transition bears significant technical risk—technical mishaps and/or inefficient allocation of resources shape public opinion and may jeopardize the transition to renewable energy. Electricity market deregulation serves as a cautionary tale; the mishandling of the California energy market deregulation in the late 1990s arrested energy market deregulation and we are still experiencing the effects. Unfortunately, the physics of climate change do not allow for the mishandling of the transition to renewable energy. The standard engineering approach to controlling/optimizing a system (e.g. an airplane) is to build a model of the system based on physics, and then design controllers/algorithms based on that model so that the system behaves in a desirable manner (the airplane flies smoothly). However, this approach does not generally apply to electric grids because it is impossible to build and maintain a model of the entire electric grid based on physics — the system is too big and there are too many unknowns. Different engineering approaches are need to make the grid operate smoothly and in a cost-effective manner. This is where my research comes in; I develop tools for controlling/optimizing the grid (specifically, the devices that attach to the grid) that rely on measurements of the grid, rather than requiring an accurate model of the grid. In general, these tools rely heavily on mathematical theory to guarantee that they will work in any given situation — because we rely on electric grids, we cannot have tools that just work most of the time. The tools that I have developed include tools for
The high-level motivation for these tools is to make the integration of renewable energy resources cost-effective by resolving the issues that may arise as the electric grid evolves. Research OverviewI develop new data-driven control and optimization tools and theory to facilitate the “electrification of everything” and the transition to 100% renewable energy electric grids. The primary challenges facing power system researchers are to
Traditionally, there has been a gap between industry and academic power systems research. This is, in part, because accurate power system models exist only in textbooks. Novel data-driven control and optimization techniques can bridge the gap between academia and industry to address challenges (1) and (2). My postdoc research at ETH is focused on data-driven control for power systems. Specifically, I am developing online Data-Driven Predictive Control (oDDPC) for grid-connected inverters. oDDPC has involved developing new theory for data sets that are gathered in closed loop, as large grid-connected converters cannot be connected to the grid in open loop (i.e. without a well-tuned controller), and new behavioral systems theory for linear, time-varying systems. My Ph.D. research at UC Berkeley focused on distribution network identification and optimization. This research included identifying networks from synchrophasor measurements, dynamic state estimation, Voltage Phasor Control, Feedback Optimization of EV charging, and new power flow linearization theory. My future research will include mentoring students working on these research directions, with a particular focus on applying the tools we have developed on real power systems, closing the gap between academia and industry. In addition, I plan on developing new control and optimization theory that will change how we operate power systems, making electrification and 100% renewable energy a reality. Inverter ControlMany renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power attach to the grid through inverters, which convert DC to AC power. Today, inverters are controlled to “follow” the grid, and do little to contribute to grid stability. In the future, if we want to power the electric grid with renewable energy sources, the inverters will have to actively contribute to grid stability. Online, Data-Driven Inverter Control
Quantifying Inverter Grid Contrbutions
Data-Driven System Monitoring and EstimationDistribution network models are often inaccurate or not available to grid operators. Accurate, online estimation of the network parameters, the network topology, and/or the system state will allow distribution network operators to detect unexpected changes in the network (e.g. cyberattacks or equipment degradation), tune plug-and-play (e.g. volt-VAR and volt-Watt) regulators, and implement active management for congestion relief. Grid Model Estimation
Relevant publications:K. Moffat, M. Bariya, and A. Von Meier. Unsupervised impedance and topology estimation of distribution networks—limitations and tools. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 11(1):846–856, 2019. Paper link. M. Bariya, K. Moffat, and A. Von Meier. Empirical noise estimation in distribution synchrophasor measurements. In 2019 International Conference on Smart Grid Synchronized Measurements and Analytics, pages 1–7. IEEE, 2019. Paper link. J.-S. Brouillon, E. Fabbiani, P. Nahata, K. Moffat, F. Dorfler, and G. Ferrari-Trecate. Bayesian error-in-variables models for the identification of distribution grids. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, In Revision, 2022. Paper link. J.-S. Brouillon, K. Moffat, F. Dorfler, and G. Ferrari-Trecate. Power Grid Parameter Estimation Without Phase Measurements: Theory and Empirical Validation. In 2024 IEEE Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), Submitted, pages 1–9. IEEE, 2024. Working Paper Link. Distribution Network State Estimation
Relevant publications:K. Moffat and C. Tomlin. The multiple model adaptive power system state estimator. In 2021 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pages 1–6. IEEE, 2021. Paper link. J. S. Brouillon, K. Moffat, F. Dörfler, & G. Ferrari-Trecate. Robust online joint state/input/parameter estimation of linear systems. In 2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (pp. 2153-2158). IEEE. Paper link. Active Distribution NetworksThe transition to 100%-renewable energy generation requires more performance from the grid edge to minimize operating costs without sacrificing reliability. Distribution networks have traditionally been operated in a fit-and-forget manner in which new Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) such as electric vehicle charging stations, solar generation sites, and wind turbines can only be added after expensive interconnection capacity studies and grid upgrades. Actively managing DERs such as EV charging, energy storage, and distributed solar and wind generation can avert the potential crisis in which distribution capacity is insufficient and cannot be upgraded fast enough, paralyzing electrification. Voltage Phasor Control
Relevant publications:K. Moffat and A. Von Meier. Using voltage phasor control to avoid distribution network constraint violations. Working Paper Link. von Meier, A., Ratnam, E. L., Brady, K., K. Moffat., & Swartz, J. (2020). Phasor-based control for scalable integration of variable energy resources. Energies, 13(1), 190. Paper Link K. Moffat and A. von Meier. Linear quadratic phasor control of unbalanced distribution networks. In 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech, pages 1–6. IEEE, 2021. Paper link, PowerTech 2021 presentation. K. Moffat Local power-voltage sensitivity and thevenin impedance estimation from phasor measurements. In 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech, pages 1–6. IEEE, 2021. Paper link, PowerTech2021 presentation. K. Moffat, J. Pakshong, L. Chu, G. Fierro, Baudette J., Swartz, J., and A. von Meier. Phasor based control with the distributed, extensible grid control platform. In 2021 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), pages 1–5. IEEE, 2021. Paper link. G. Fierro, K. Moffat, J. Pakshong, and A. von Meier. An extensible software and communication platform for distributed energy resource management. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), pages 1–6. IEEE, 2020. Paper link. Feedback Optimization for EV Charging
N. Panossian, M. Muratori, B. Palmintier, A. Meintz, T. Lipman, & K. Moffat. (2022). Challenges and opportunities of integrating electric vehicles in electricity distribution systems. Current sustainable/renewable energy reports, 9(2), 27-40. Paper link. N. Panossian, H. Laarabi, K. Moffat., H. Chang, B. Palmintier, A. Meintz, & R. A. Waraich (2023). Architecture for Co-Simulation of Transportation and Distribution Systems with Electric Vehicle Charging at Scale in the San Francisco Bay Area. Energies, 16(5), 2189. Paper link. Future Research DirectionsData-Driven Power System StabilityNonlinear Data-Driven Control
Data-Driven Dispatch and Data-Driven Markets
As stated above, the primary challenges facing power system researchers are 1) maintaining grid stability, and 2) minimizing operating costs without sacrificing reliability. (2) is primarily a resource-scheduling challenge. Resource scheduling (Unit commitment/economic dispatch, demand response dispatch, and energy storage market bidding) decisions can be described as online, receding-horizon stochastic programming problems. The dispatch/market mechanisms used today are not designed to deal with the intermittent and stochastic nature of wind and solar power, and thus do not use grid resources in the most cost-effective manner or provide the correct market signals for installing new resources. Similar to the grid-stability challenges discussed above, data may be the key to scheduling systems with intermittent and stochastic resources. Promising methods include
These methods are open fields of research and it is possible that at least one of them will provide a step-change in how we make scheduling decisions for grids with renewable resources.
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